Resourcing the Local Church
Resourcing the Local Church Grants provide funding to churches and individuals within the Maine Conference of the United Church of Christ (UCC). This is includes grants for churches, grants for individuals, and scholarships for Members in Discernment (MiD).
Frequently Asked Questions
Why are there two different RLC Grant Applications?
The majority of the applications come from congregations who are seeking to make capital improvements, start a new program, or underwrite an existing program. Requests from individuals are frequently related to training or other educational opportunities. Church projects and individual projects often have a different focus, therefore require different application forms.
Will the applicant have any interaction with members of the Resourcing the Local Church Committee?
Yes, a member of the committee will contact you directly and ask for additional information. If possible a committee member may do a site visit in an effort to gain a better understanding of a project.
May a church or individual apply for more than one RLC Grant in a given year?
No, an applicant can only apply one time in a calendar year.
Why doesn’t every applicant receive the same amount?
Disbursements are dependent upon the number of requests the RLC Committee receives in a given quarter and the scope of the project.

Connect with RLC
Our Members
Rev. Brad Hirst
Email Brad
Phone: 207-439-3903
Second Christian Congregational UCC, Kittery – York Association
*(1st term expires 2021, eligible for a second term)
Jan Barton
Email Jan
Phone: 207-564-2118
Dover Foxcroft Congregational Church UCC – Katahdin Association
*(1st term expires 2023, eligible for a second term)
Judene Dyer
Email Judene
Phone: 207-807-7502
Windham Hill UCC, Windham, ME – Cumberland Association
*(1st term expires 2022, eligible for a second term)
Alexis Fuller Wright (Conference Staff)
Email Alexis
Phone: (207 ) 622-3100
Maine Conference United Church of Christ
*Term expires at the Maine Conference Annual Meeting on the year listed.
Contact the RLC Committee
Have a question you can reach out to the RLC Committee with any of the following contact information:
In State Phone: 207-622-3100
Phone: 800-244-0937
Fax: 207-622-3102